Home 9 Activities 9 Disc golf

Disc golf


The Jaanikese disc golf park is located in the picturesque Jaanikese Sports Center around the famous Jaanikese motocross track. The disc golf course is an AA competition course with 18 baskets and a length of 2101m. On the trail, you can also rest your feet at pleasant picnic tables.

The course is planned by the local Valga Discgolfers in 2021. The tender for the construction of the track was organized by the municipality of Valga. Throwing areas and baskets installed by Disc Birdie along with initial fairway cleaning!


Discgolf park rules

  • A group of players is recommended to have up to 5 people.
  • Keep up the pace.
  • Let the faster groups pass by waiting on the edge, not in the middle of the track.
  • Make sure there are no teammates or other people in the park in the direction of the throw who may not be aware of the danger. A polite signal may be given to clear the throwing area.
  • Disc golf is an emotional game, but excessive noise is not appropriate.
  • Do not talk or otherwise disturb the thrower. Do not move or stand in the putter’s line of sight.
  • Follow the throws of your teammates until the end. If the disc goes missing and is not immediately found, the whole group helps to look for it.
  • If the disc is not found within three minutes, the group must decide whether to continue playing from the previous throwing position or to clear the lane for the next group, if necessary, ensuring the safety of the throws.
  • Write your name and phone number under the disc. If the disk is found, the number on it is called. Do it yourself if you find the disc.
    In the case of an illegible number, report finding the disc in the Facebook group “Jaanikes disc golf park”.
  • Keep the track clear.
  • Save nature.
  • Alcohol and smoking are not suitable for the sports track.

Discgolf park maintainer contacts

Jaanikese disc golf park is managed by the non-profit MTÜ Valga Discgolfarid


Wednesday games

Jaanikese disc golf weekly games take place on Wednesdays.

Follow the current information on the weekly games page on Facebook ->